Fast Weight Loss Tricks: How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Working out can be a big struggle for those who are looking to shed pounds fast. It's difficult to find the motivation and even harder to find the time in our already packed schedules. So when folks ask how to lose weight without exercise, I usually tell them these fast weight loss tricks.

  • Start taking fish oil: Take 3 tablespoons of fish oil everyday. For many years fish oil has been used as home remedies to reduce weight. Studies support that using fish oil for weight loss increases our body's ability to burn fat. It also affects our the pathways in our brains that regulate emotion and motivation. Both of which have a profound effect on our commitment level and ability to shed pounds fast.

  • Drink only water: If you are drinking coffee, fruit juices, milk, etc you are going to see immediate and substantial benefits of this. Even though these beverages have some nutritional value, they can be high in sugars and calories. And, you can get those minerals and nutrients naturally in fruits and vegetables. If you drink a lot of high calorie beverages you can easily drop 5 pounds quickly by just making the switch to drinking only water. This is one of the most natural ways to lose weight I know. Water is essential to the body. Without it you can experience fatigue, migraines, constipation, muscle cramps, irregular blood pressure, kidney problems, and dry skin. By making this one change to your daily diet, you'll be doing your body a favor for sure.

  • Get more sleep: No one wants to be told when to go to bed. But if you decide to make sleep a priority you will see the results in your waistline. It is probably the single most effective way to lose weight. And most people don't give sleep and rest the attention it deserves. But it is important. 8 hours of sleep is optimal. When the body doesn't get the rest it needs, it affects the secretion of ghrelin which tells the body to feel hungry. Which means not only do you feel hungrier with less sleep, but odds are, you will probably eat more. So, if you're operating on 4-5 hours of sleep and you want to lose weight fast, try increasing your sleep time by a half hour a night until you get closer to the 8 hour goal. You will see a difference. And you'll feel better too!

\"Fast Weight Loss Tricks\"

Fast Weight Loss Tricks: How to Lose Weight Without Exercise
Fast Weight Loss Tricks: How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Put these fast weight loss tricks to practice now and you'll see how to lose weight without exercise. If you want more great tips to lose weight you might want to grab a FREE copy of 'The Digest". Its your quick-start weight loss blueprint. Get it for free here: